The chair of the Senate Select Committee on Women and Children is still insisting LSU football coach Ed Orgeron testify in person Thursday before the committee.
Last week Oregron was on a list of LSU administrators asked to testify. It came after a 74-year Superdome security guard Gloria Scott who allegedly was sexually harassed in December 2017 by then-LSU running back Derrius Guice told the Senate committee Orgeron is lying when said he can’t remember talking to her by phone about the incident.
Orgeron and other LSU administrators were asked to testify in person but were sent invitations saying they were also allowed to submit a written testimony rather than appear in person because of COVID-19.
State Senator Regina Barrow, chair of the Senate Select Committee on Women and Children, said she emailed Orgeron on Monday clarifying that lawmakers always intended for him to appear in-person before the committee.
Barrow took this action after she learned Orgeron planned to testify in person. She said the confusion about Orgeron testifying in person was caused by an “oversight.”
Also Monday, LSU released to various news outlets audio recordings, text messages and police reports show that showed Cleavon Williams, a self-described family consultant for Scott, told the LSU Athletic Department that Scott would go public with her story if LSU did not pay her $100,000 or prevent Guice from playing in the Citrus Bowl.
Records of the 2017 phone call between Williams, Segar and LSU Executive Director Verge Ausberry, and dialogue between the parties had Segar saying that LSU “is not going to pay money in this situation.”
Scott told The Advocate she was upset when she learned Williams asked for the money on her behalf.
“I don’t see a reason why he asked for money,” Scott told The Advocate. “I didn’t ask him to ask for money. I never asked him to do anything of that sort, anything concerning money at all. All I wanted was Derrius to not play in that game.”
On the recording of the phone call between Segar/Ausberry and Williams, Segar asked Williams how much compensation was Scott seeking.
“I mean, it all depends on the value that Derrius has,” Williams said
In a later text message to LSU officials, Williams gave a specific dollar amount. He texted, according to the public records, that due to “public embarrassment and sexual harassment, the family is requesting $100K compensation for their grandmother.”
From sexual harrassment it moves to Blackmail? Scott says she just wanted justice, but now? 100K will do. Looks to me like greed rules the day for both sides here?
To me those statements about money; that just destroys any credibility about what really happened.